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Our Expertise in Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is used alone, and in conjunction with other therapies, to treat many types of cancer. Chemotherapy is the treatment of choice for metastatic disease and cancer that is clinically indicated to be responsive to systemic treatment (lymphoma, mast cell tumors, osteosarcoma, transitional cell carcinoma, and hemangiosarcoma). Chemotherapy can also be used to sensitize tissues prior to radiation therapy or shrink tumors for surgical removal.  Our main goal with chemotherapy is to provide an excellent quality of life, to control cancer spread (metastasis), and to prolong survival of our patients.


Side Effects of Chemotherapy

The majority of our patients tolerate chemotherapy extremely well. Unlike humans undergoing similar protocols, animals experience substantially fewer, or no, side effects to chemotherapy. Possible side effects include episodes of vomiting, diarrhea or decreased appetite, and are typically managed well with medication prescribed by your veterinary oncologist. Your pet’s quality of life is our top priority.

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Need further help?

Our team of experts is always here to provide further assistance in answering any questions to make this the smoothest process. 

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